Friday, February 05, 2010

Silence ...

No, I haven't forgotten to post updates, or lapsed into the great corporeal realm beyond cyberspace. There simply has not been that much to write about to date.

School is, well, school. As I said, I'm trying to keep up to date. I attended a Church Planting conference this week. This was my second year in attendance. The conference was good, encouraging one to think about new ideas, as well as an opportunity to meet some new people, and get reacquainted with some old friends.

Information has begun to trickle forth:
We ordinands have been invited to a meeting to plan the ordination liturgy. News of pre-ordination retreats, and rehearsals (yes, kind of like wedding rehearsals) are also coming to light. It's beginning to get rather exciting. Like a child who begins to anticipate Christmas once the Hallowe'en candy is done.