Monday, January 23, 2006

... and this just in ...

Well, the Mrs. and I are just back from casting our civic duty to the wind. Let's see, I think the predictions are pretty obvious:
  • a minority government for sure, meaning a short lived government, with an average life span of approx. 2 yrs.
  • if (and this is a considerable if) the polls are correct it'll be a Conservative government, which will be interesting, considering this would be the first time that this Conservative party would take office, since the old Progressive Conservative and Reform parties merged.
I think that the Canadian concept of 'conservative' is a bit skewed. Consider the number of years that many people considered the two words Progressive and Conservative as aptly placed beside each other.

Furthermore, I wonder if those who vote for our recently formed Conservative party are actually casting a vote toward conservation? Are they, or the party they're supporting, truly aiming towards conserving the status quo?

I often ponder a situation I am faced with at the polls, and its one that can border on inspiring pessimism, if I let it. It's more of a conundrum really. I go to the polls, year after year, to exercise my vote, confident in the knowledge that the candidate I vote for will never see the light of office. This does not mean that I think my incumbent is particular bad, or negligent ... in fact ... as an individual, I think he does a fair job ... for a politician. It has more to do with the fact that I can't ethically support his party, so I am forced to vote for the BIG picture, fully expecting that my vote will not mean much, locally.

Of course, when it comes do it, six months from now, when everyone else is complaining, I can throw my arms up, and self-righteously exclaim "Don't blame me ... I didn't vote for 'em!".

Have a good night folks, and don't stay up too late watching the news, it is a school night after all.

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