Monday, April 10, 2006

The Countdown Continues

Ten days ago I posted a list of outstanding assignments until the end of term. The good news is that many of those have been crossed off my list:
  1. 1 short paper: this is a group project in its final throes.
  2. 1 longer paper: this is essentially completed. I'm submitting it Wednesday, and the only reason is I haven't printed and sealed it yet is just in case of any last minute inspiration. One never knows.
  3. 1 day of lectures: these were done last Thursday (April 6th).
  4. 2 exams: well ... these are still outstanding, and are scheduled for the morning of April 20th.
I do have a meeting this week to evaluate the viability of my internship proposal. I hope to be doing my full time internship starting this fall. I have submitted a proposal and have scheduled a meeting to discuss it with "the powers that be".

A further note: Now that a lot of this stuff is done, I'm down to watching the mailbox for news about my postulancy application. I've been trying (rather desperately) not to think about it, since I've been told not to expect to hear anything until at least the end of April or beginning of May.

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