Thursday, April 27, 2006

"It's quiet ... too quiet"

It's been a bit since I've written. The stress of exams is past - I had my last one on Tuesday of this week. I think it went well enough, but can't be sure for a week or two yet, when I'll receive marks.

It's been pretty quiet around here this week. We started our kid at daycare, next door, in anticipation of my summer programme (see below). The centre seems good enough, and the people are friendly, but it seems a bit odd to be at home, and not have anyone else here. I've spent the last few days tidying - almost compulsively. Due to the workload this semester, I haven't paid as much attention as I ought to, and things have slipped. Now that I have nothing else to do, and no kid around the house most of the day .... not much else to do.

Starting this coming Monday, I will be involved in a programme called CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education). It's like a chaplaincy internship at a facility like a hospital or prison. I will be doing my programme at Scarborough Grace Hospital - a few minutes from home. I feel really honoured to have gotten in, considering the competition. There are 15 spots spread across 3 centres in the city. CPE is a compulsory part of my masters degree, and many diocese' require it prior to ordination, so it's a good credit all round.

Anyhow, I'm off for a bit of a walk. Hope everyone is taking advantage of our lovely spring weather.

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